It´s a Small Small World Indeed
Journal Entry
April 8, 2006
Montezuma, Costa Rica
This morning, at the crack of dawn, I said a fond farewell to Mike as he left for the airport and the long flight back to Toronto. The homesickness sems to be ever presently looming under the surface and last night, and this this morning, as I was once again loking at travel and change, there it came again rearing it´s ugly head. I knew I would be leaving Mal Pais today, as it would likely be hard to stay without my crew of the past week, who I´d grown so close to. So, I knew it was time to move on but as I woke up this morning I still hadn´t decided exactly where to. After Mike´s early morning departure, and a much needed phone call home to mi mami, I decided on Montezuma. After all, that was always the original plan and since I didn´t want to face all the details of a massive travel day (Montezuma is close and there´s a cheap direct shuttle), it made the decision easy and clear.
me and sheleena on my last night in montezuma
From the second I stepped out of the car I knew that I´d made the right decision. Sitting in the Eco Tour office, right in front of me, was a very familiar face, one that I hadn´t seen in many many years. Sheleena Guiterrez, from my grade one class (and many of the same schools through to high school), and I looked at each other with that "are you kidding me? I totally know you" face, and I felt a world of difference. She's been living here for 6 years, helped me find my place for the night and is hooking me up with lots of good info for daily activities and even a deal for a tour of Tortuga Island this week. What´s better is that I can now happily and easily go out tonight and meet lots of other people.
So, once again, for the next few days anyway, it seems that I will be able to relax and enjoy myself. I know homesickness lurks below the surface, ready to pounce at any moment, but I feel a renewed sense of my ability to conquer it and have a great time in my last week of travelling. I saw a hotel name in Mal Pais that will stay with me forever and has felt very relevent in the last few days. It was called "Luz de Vida" or "Light of Life" and I think it´s a great saying for all of us to keep in mind, especially when we feel run down and our hearts are hurting or times are frustrating.
Life never ceases to amaze me. Sometimes the coincidences just seem so impossible but they are very real and very possible, anywhere. Travelling always reminds me of that fact. I feel good vibes from having bumped into Sheleena today. Somewhere, someone is on my side and I can once again focus on remembering what´s really important in life, like the fact that this trip, like life, is a journey and not just a destination. I once again feel like I can enjoy that journey and my final 10 days on this incredible adventure. I can think about today and not just my final destination on the 19th. Here´s to keeping my head up, my heart open and my times good.
Luz de Vida
I´ll see you all in about a week!
Hey Mols,
You'll be happy to know I sat down and read the BLOG start to finish. And as I suspected it was a good thing I waited as there is no way I could have stayed here in guelph while you are doing so many amazing things. Call or e-mail me sop I know we are still on for Wed................ 5days can't wait to see you!
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