Saturday, April 22, 2006

Something to Remember Always

Journal Entry
April 18, 2006 (or April 19, depending how you look at's about 2am)
San Jose, Costa Rica

In the cab on my way back to the hotel tonight, I saw a beautiful mural alongside the street. It was huge and full of colour and it had about five profiles of men and women, all of different nationalities and colours themselves. I saw it and immediately was drawn to its beauty. Stopped at a red light staring at it'sbeauty, I noticed the quote that accompanied and it became all the more beautiful. I quickly scribbled it down in the bumpy cab cause I didn't want to forget it. It's something we should all try to remember in every day that we are blessed with this life and a fitting tribute to a beautiful trip about to end.

"Todos los hombres nacen marvillaosomente diferentes"

"We are all born marvelously different"

Que Lindo


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