Thursday, May 18, 2006

Back To Set, Back To Reality

May 18, 2006
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

At this point, there are a few things I can't believe. I can't believe I've been home for almost a month already. It still feels like just last week that I was in Costa Rica soaking up the sunshine and partying my nights away by moonlight in Montezuma. Sadly, however, it was nearly a month ago and as the time has passed since my return I am adjusting back to my "normal" life. I had a few days off before I got back into my work life, but those days were filled with reunions and farewells and they just flew by.

Before I knew it I was back on set. Thankfully, my first job back was with all the guys who I looked forward to seeing upon my return, a great crew no question. It was a massive job, seven days that turned into eight, and so the production crew was a big one. Thankfully I was surrounded by good friends and looking forward to some good times. There were an insane number of locations on this job and the first three days in particular kept us all busy. Happily it all went quite smoothly. Despite the number of unit moves, we didn't even lose a walkie!

After day four of seven, on Thursday, we all felt it was neccesary to go for a beer. It had been four hectic days and we were starting late the next morning, so, the only decision to make was where. Well, that one beer turned into a few more and then a location move of our own from Sweaty Betty's up to my old stomping grounds on Bayview Avenue, McSorely's to be exact.

Of course, things just escalated from there and continued to do so all evening until the sun rose and I found myself crashing at Ted's for a mere 3 hours or so before heading back to set the next day. Our later start had prompted some long hours of partying from most people in production and so the Friday seemed to move at a bit of a slower pace, but we managed. Luckily we were in only one location that day and didn't have a whole lot on our plates to deal with.

The PA Lounge

So, what else should 8 PAs with little to do on a shoot day be doing? Making a sweet ass PA lounge of course! Obviously we were all interested in resting our aching heads and tired bodies, so an area in which to do just that frankly seemed neccesary.
Enter the support cube, complete with two crash mats, six boxed tents, a wack of location mats and even a baby blanket. With those few ingredients and some clever rearranging we soon found ourselves with a dual level sleeping area for four, though most of us (save for Alastair) didn't actually fall asleep.

The only thing missing then was Marco's infamous hammock. At one mention of it there he was, hammock in hand. Suddenly we were looking at sleeping areas for 5, a snack bar, a patio and many extra seats for visitors, not to mention the tunes from my ipod. Sweet set up indeed. A little electriciy to watch some hockey games and we would have been totally pimped out, but alas that was too much to ask so we had to settle for the radio version. It was a long night but it was made all that more bearable thanks to our lounge.

Taking it easy after setting up lunch

Barrett wants a 20 on Jenny Martin, Ted doesn't want to talk about it

It was a long shoot and we all figured things would start getting bitchy on set by days seven and eight, but surprisingly the good vibes conintued throughout and we capped it all off with a hell of a wrap party. Started at the Drake and finished at Manny's place, sometime in the wee hours of the next morning. Thank god he lives five stumbling minutes from me, and that Jonny walked me home.

Manny at the Drake wrapping the job up proper

I've had one other job since, a quick 2 day gig with Warren. Things actually got a lot bitchier on that set. Not sure exactly why that was although I have my suspicions. Let's just say a crew is only as good as it's director...and leave it at that. It was very nice to be back at work with Warren and Sandy though and thank god Ted rolled onto that job with me too, or I probably would have lost my mind. Thanks for the never ending comedy and good times boys. It's good to be back on the job with all you crazy kids! Here's to the great summer that lies ahead.

Hangin with the boys on set

So, it's now the long weekend, and while I'd love to take my days off and head out of town, that was not an option for me this year as I must spend the time preparing my new apartment for habitation. My room is painted a beautiful "toast brown" and the kitchen is an awesome "asparagus green", and more importantly, almost finished. Just a couple more rooms to paint and a bed to set up and I'll be nice and comfy at my new pad. Can't wait for that! Thankfully I also start the next job on Monday. Two more weeks banked, let's hope the jobs keep rolling in cause I'm looking forward to paying off some debts and going on a shopping trip!

What can I say? Back to set, back to life, back to reality. So far, so good, but the plans for the next excursion are never far from my mind.


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