Sunday, October 29, 2006

Heading Out?

October 29, 2006
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Tomorrow morning my friend Ximena is headed to Bolivia to do a six month volunteer stint in the mountain town of La Paz. The next day one of my bestest friends in the world, Sam, and her boyfriend Sterling will hop a plane in the same general direction but landing in Buenos Aires, Argentina. They are living there for a few months before heading northward on a travel adventure with no set return date as of yet. Needless to say I'm insanely jealous of them, while also insanely excited to hear about all the inevitable adventures that lie ahead for them all.

Sammy and I (photo: Mike Ford)

If all goes well, I'll be making a trip in the southernly direction, maybe even to meet up with Sam and Ster for a bit. Unfortunately that will all depend on how much work there is coming my way in the next couple months especially and in the winter months as well. So it's a wait and see kind of thing, something that would be driving me nuts if I hadn't basically decided to head out west for a substantial part of the winter. I need to get out there. I miss it very much and I know that a trip out there could bring me the inner peace that I'm craving. It gives me a chance to travel and catch up with some of my most important peoples all at the same time, and in a perfect world it would bring me a few new work opportunities as well. At least it's something to plan for at the moment. I just hope that I can work as much as possible before Christmas.

Regardless, I opened this entry to wish a Bon Voyage and Buen Viaje to mis amigos who are taking off in the next couple days to open their eyes to the beauties of the world around us, I look forward to the stories and pictures that will, eventually, return with them and the tellings of their amazing experiences, although there will be days when I'll undoubtedly find myself longing to spend just a little bit of time with them. I think the greater distance in proximity to our friends, the more realization that we are growing up and taking control of shaping our own lives. It is beautiful and heartbreaking all at the same time and I look forward to heading west in order to ground myself in the warmth of some of my nearest and dearest.

Safe travels my darlings, I'm so proud of all of you for chasing your dreams!

Sammy and Ster


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